This week was so packed. Doing Locomotor aka Orthopedic run is pretty challenging. Have to know all the pysical examinations for all major joints like spine,shoulder,hands,hip,knee,ankle and feet.huhu. Other than, have to be in the operation theatre(OT) for the whole day on acute day and my team's acute day was on Thursday. Although I've been in OT for couple of times (when I did surgical run) but being in OT for orthopedic procedure is so much different. We've to be more thorough in term of sterilization since we're dealing with metal equipments. Besides that, those joining the procedure also required to wear protective gears (which are so damn heavy..mayb about 20kg) since X-ray is required along the procedure.huhu.Penat btol.adoi. I've seen 3 procedures like debridement and removal of foreign body, reduction of distal ulnar and radius fracture and insertion of DHS aka CHS (compression hip screw) for intertrochanteric neck of femur fracture. I also had learnt how to apply the POP (Plaster of Paris) and fibreglass cast. They were
On last Tuesday, I met Prof Rob regarding my psychiatric logbook.Alhamdulillah, nothing bad happened. I also passed my very first ever exam in University of Auckland for Consultation Skill. Alhamdulillah. Hopefully, the subsequent exams will also be like that.Amin.
Ok.Need to stop here. Long orthopedic case history and a rheumatology CAT need to be done. Not to forget, I also need to practise OSCE a lotxxx.huhu.
By the way..these are the pics when we had our lunch in one of the Korean Restaurant here. hahaha.akhirnye, hajat saya utk memakai korean-style-spoon termakbul.handlenyer sgt
Socializing with new friends
Free side dishes: kimchi,jelly,seaweed,bean sprouts,sweet potatoes
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