Monday, June 2, 2008

Ya Allah..bantulah hamba mu ini...

Dear Blog,

Tommorrow, I'll be replacing my surgery run which I had missed. Huhuhu. To be frank, I'm kind of scared of getting into new team in Auckland City Hospital (ACH). Before this, I did my surgery run in North Shore Hospital(NSH). But since I have problem with the transportation to NSH, I applied to do it in ACH and Alhamdulillah, it was approved. And although I have missed 3 weeks, I just need to replace for 2 weeks. *clap clap*. Fortunately, one of my batchmates, Thalib Mawjood will be making up these 2 weeks and we'll be in the same team. I'm so glad because at least I'll be accompanied by someone. Alhamdulillah.

Hopefully, I can adapt myself to the new team in short time and perform it up to the expected standard as 4th year medical student.Mudah-mudahan.Amin.

So Najihah, aja aja fighting!!! You can do it!!! *monologue to myself*.lol
Good nite Blog;-)

1 comment:

, Anna said...

eit darling. salaam :)
only 2 weeks?? good on u! ada partner lagi pulak tu. hopefully things work out fine then.

-ana forte-